Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat kidney failure, this condition is also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

People with kidney failure usually undergo a treatment called dialysis. In this treatment, waste products such as urea, creatinine, ammonia, etc., which accumulate in the bloodstream when the kidneys stop working, are filtered using a dialysis machine. Some people with kidney failure may be eligible for a kidney transplant. In this procedure, the non-functional kidney is replaced with a kidney donated by a living or deceased person.

How is a kidney transplant performed?

Kidney transplantation is performed under general anesthesia. Then the surgeon makes an oblique incision in the lower quadrant of the patient’s abdomen and places a transplanted kidney in the cavity located on the patient’s side. Arteries and veins from the transplanted kidney are connected to the patient’s arteries and veins.

The surgeon also connects the ureter with a graft to the bladder and uses a “kidney transplant’s ureteral stent”. Surgeon will leave original kidneys in body unless they are causing problems such as high blood pressure or infection.

For more information about kidney transplants, read the page ” The first ureteral stent for kidney transplant“.

In what cases is a long-term ureteral stent used instead of an antibacterial ureteral stent?

Sometimes due to cancer or pregnancy, ureteral obstruction occurs for a long time, so the patient needs to use ureteral stent for a long time. If “short-term ureteral stent” is used in these cases, the monthly replacement of ureteral stent would be annoying and expensive for the patient, therefore, “long-term ureteral stent is used.

How does the “long-term ureteral stent” remain for a long time in the body without calcification?

For this purpose, diamond-like carbon coating has been applied on ureteral stent using high technology. This coating significantly reduces the possibility of sedimentation on ureteral stent, which has enabled it to last for a long time, even up to a year. During this period, the patient’s clinical symptoms are periodically monitored by the doctor.